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What the heck is the difference between Java and Javascript?

Quite frankly, what is java? We do like our coffee around the studio but we can venture to guess it has nothing to do with coffee. Maybe, maybe not. You know, web designers that use those fancy WYSIWYG software programs to code their sites might think it is simply because the icon they use for java is, guess what, a coffee bean!

Okay, enough babbling. Let's get down to business!

Java is a compiled object oriented language. Java is commonly used as a language for server-side code; in this case, the code is run on the server with the HTML output sent to the browser.

JavaScript is a simpler language intended for scripting (i.e., interpreted, not compiled, code). JavaScript is used for client-side scripts, but may be on the server side.

We know, you have to be somewhat of a geek to decipher what you just read. To put it simply - Java and JavaScript are languages that make things do really cool things on the web.

You can always checkout Sun's website - the creator of the coffee bean, or Java as they like to call it - by clicking here.

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